Managing Worries

Adult Feedback:
Shifts in your child's mindset/behaviour that you have observed...
"She came out of her shell on the course. She looked forward to the course each week. Better able to visualise positive outcomes. Growing in confidence when trying new things and meeting new people. Growing independence."
"Since starting the Managing Worries course our ability to communicate has improved a lot. I am picking up on S's behaviour and how that relates to how she is actually feeling. Often she will lash out and act angry when tired or hungry. Becoming upset over something I see as trivial but bringing myself down to her level to resole the issue/calm down."
I feel the most useful tool/that supported changes for my child was...
"Being out of her comfort zone with new people. She loved doing the craft activities whilst chatting to Nikki and Sibi. The action plan task for future worries was really helpful."
What was your own greatest learning / personal insight on the course?
"That self care is essential and will improve/affect our relationship with those around us, especially the people we look after; our children."
Child Feedback & Discoveries:
"When you get upset your thinking brain flips, you get upset and your body is getting ready to run off."
"The thinking brain when it gets scared goes up. The smoke detector senses the bad thing and tells you to run away or fight." 
Describe how your body and behaviour show that you are feeling worried...
"Start getting sweaty, cheeks go red, start getting shaky. My legs cramp up. I feel scared – start squealing, become aggressive, make myself angry, kick, punch, hit."
Tell me about what activities you have particularly enjoyed in the woods.  Can you spot how they has helped you?
"Being in nature, getting fresh air, being with the trees – they are almost a part of us. When you’re around them it’s like that little bit of you calms down."